Do you ever feel like there aren't enough hours in the day to mow the lawn? Try fake grass.
You’re not alone. Thousands of people across the UK are selling the lawnmower and replacing their natural, high-maintenance lawns with a fake grass equivalent.
Here’s our top 5 reasons to go artificial this season:
1. Less work – more play
This one goes without saying and is probably the most common reason for going artificial. It’s a well known fact that keeping a lawn looking nice can be an incredibly time consuming task. This isn’t to say that fake grass is completely maintenance free, however. You’ll still have to keep fallen leaves at bay and clean up after your pets. Coming back from your summer holidays to a dead lawn will be a thing of the past though.
Generally, all it takes to keep it in tip-top condition is a monthly brush over.

2. Great for kids and pets
Unlike a natural lawn, fake grass will look great all year round, regardless of how many times the little ones have a kick-about! Artificial grass nowadays is extremely robust and will cope with even the most playful and demanding of children and pets. Plus, you’ll never have to worry about mucky paws or bare patches at their favourite digging spot.
Note – Make sure your product is European made, some Chinese qualities have been shown to contain harmful materials like Lead and Cadmium.

3. Long lasting
You can expect a quality artificial lawn to last you 10 years. In fact, most European artificial grass comes UV stabilised for a minimum of 10 years. This means that it won’t fade or discolour when exposed to direct sunlight and this usually comes with a guarantee.
With the right care, it’s possible to keep it looking as good as new for 10 years and beyond!

4. Good for your wallet
Although the initial cost of a fake grass installation can be daunting. It’s not so scary when you factor in that you’ll get on average 10 years of use out of it. That’s 10 years of savings on your water bill and mowing costs. In addition to 10 years of savings on feed, herbicides, fungicides and pesticides.
Fake grass may even have a positive impact on the value of your property!

5. Variety is the spice of life
Today’s product comes in a multitude of different lengths, shades and styles. There’s rustic, disheveled looking types for more traditional gardens. There’s pristine, manicured artificial lawns for more modern settings. Some even come with stripes!
Furthermore, it’s also suitable for a wide variety of applications. This includes decking, roof terraces and paving!